Friday, September 27, 2013

Cole Family

This cute family met me last night for their session.  It was 40 degrees outside!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But they were such troopers and we got some great images super fast!  And we even found a few autumn colors!  Love this time of year and their clothing choices were perfect for it!

McLaughlan Family

This is my amazingly awesome and talented friend and her super cute family.  Misty is who I have do all my family photos, and most of my kids photos too {when I can't get them too cooperate for me.}  She is so talented and an amazing friend and super mommy!  Love her to death!  I felt so honored she asked me to do some photos for her....and even MORE excited to be one of the first to know their exciting "news".  So happy for them!!!!

Layne & Karen

I love this couple so much!  They are such an inspiration to us of what marriage is and how to be the most amazing parents and grandparents in the world!  So thankful to have gotten to know them!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Van Orden Family

I love every opportunity I get to photograph this family.  Marci is a dear friend of mine and her kiddos are friends to my kids.  Plus, they are super photogenic and make it oh so fun to take their photos.  We found a new location this year {which is getting harder and harder in our small town} and just had so much fun!  

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Amy and Travis

This is one of my very best friends in the whole world and her hubby.  I usually do family photos for them every fall, but this year they decided they just wanted couples photos.  You see, Travis had a big health scare this summer.  It scared all of us.  We almost lost the big guy and it was terrifying!  It was so hard to sit back and watch my sweet friend go thru something so difficult.  Luckily, he pulled through and is still with us today!  And we couldn't be more glad that he is.  And during this trial I witnessed the love that Amy and Travis have for one another.  It isn't always easy, there are still lots of hard moments for them....but they love each other dearly and will get through this trial. So, for their couples photos they wanted to do something that was ALL THEM and something to honor the trial they had been thru this year.  It was beautiful.  So glad this big guys heart is working again....cause we want to keep him around for a very long time! :)  Love you guys!!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Campbell Family

While in Washington I had the chance to do a quick mini-session of my sister and her family.  So fun to have a change of scenery for a family session!  Wish I could have done a whole bunch of family sessions on the beach this year!  Love this family and so glad we all got to spend an awesome weekend together at the beach!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Kyle and Tiffany ~ Wedding

My brother is all married!!!  And I have a new sister and two adorable new nieces.  We spent the weekend in Neah Bay, Washington for their wedding.  My family got to enjoy the beach for the first time together and we just had the best vacation ever!  Tiffany was the most relaxed bride ever and just wanted fun photos.  They got married at sunset on Cape Flattery Trail {the most northwestern point of the US and YES Tiffany totally hiked the trail in her wedding dress!!!}so we did photos before the wedding.  We did a big dress reveal {which was a BLAST} and then ran around the beach taking tons of photos.  It was so much fun.  And I LOVED that Tiffany would just hike up her dress and go wherever.  I am so thankful that we were able to attend this event and to witness this amazing marriage ceremony.  My brother has a tender heart but doesn't shed many tears.  And to see him and the love he has for this amazing woman was beautiful {and made me cry too!}  Thank you Kyle and Tiffany for sharing your special day with all of us.
dress reveal

 I LOVE his face in this one!  He keeps saying to me he doesn't know how he got so lucky....I kind-of {as his mean little sister} have to agree!!! :)

he was such a good sport!!!!

love that she would do anything in that dress!

On the trail to Cape Flattery 

waiting for that perfect point of sunset to begin....had to do some fun photos while waiting!

last sliver of sun.....

perfect wedding day for a perfect couple!  Congrats you two!!!!