Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Larry and Margaret - 45 year anniversary

I like to refer to these two as my second set of parents as that is what they were for five years of my life as their daughter and I were inseparable during our high school years and still remain best friends to this day.  I am so thankful for these great people who showed me love and acceptance from day one.  I love them so much and wish them the happiest of anniversaries!!!!

Michael - senior

Sunday, May 7, 2017

The Lewis Family

What an honor to be asked to photograph one of my best friend from high school and his family!  Now everyone is all grown up and have kids of their own.  The kids did great and we got some super quick little smiles :)  Thank Lewis family!  It was so fun to see you all again and to take your photos!

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Condon Family

This wonderful family were our neighbors when we lived in town.  Such a great family! And it's so fun to see their boys all grown up!  Thanks for fun photo shoot Condon Family!