Sunday, August 28, 2016

Secrist Family

 Earlier this year I received a call from a guy wanting to buy a gift certificate for a family session for his wife for her birthday.  Talk about an awesome gift and one thoughtful husband!!!!  I had so much fun taking photos for the Secrist family!  They were so relaxed and just had fun with it.  They all posed and smiled and made my job so very easy.  My kind of people ;)  Thanks for a super fun evening Secrist family!

Friday, August 26, 2016

Back-to-School Portraits 2016

Tonight I got to photograph 43 more awesome kids!  

Back-to-School Portraits 2016

One of my most favorite type of mini sessions are the Back-to-school portraits.  They are quick and fun.  I get to see so many of my awesome clients AND how much their kiddos have grown up over the year.  The weather was perfect last night!  Great temps and zero wind!  Here's 31 of the most beautiful and handsome kiddos in the area!  (the rest of them I get to see tonight!!!)

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Fisher Family

Worlds BEST next door neighbors! Love this family!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Lili & Koryn ~ Baptism

 I will never forget the moment I saw two little specks on the ultrasound screen.  I knew my life was about to get super crazy.  I also knew I wanted twin girls, and that I did not want them to be identical.  I got my wish.  These two girls are as different as any sisters could be.  But that is what I love about them.  They are so individual and yet best friends.  They somehow grew up on me and are turning 8 years old in a month!  I still can't seem to figure out how that happened!  But they insisted we needed to do some photos in their fancy new dresses.  Of course I happily obliged.  My mom, sister and niece came along to help and enjoy this special time with the girls.  I am so thankful to be a mom of twins....even though at times I didn't think I would ever survive it.  Now it's just fun.  A reward for making through the first three years ;)  I am so proud of Lili and Koryn and their choice to be baptized as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  They are both amazing examples to me as their mom.  Lili is my gentle, shy, kind soul.  She is willing to help and do anything that is asked of her and always going to out of her way to help others.  She is an amazing big sister.  Koryn is and always will be my wild girl.  Full of joy and happiness.  She loves everyone instantly and judges nobody.  She wants to see and do everything life has to offer.  And she gives the BEST hugs ever.  How thankful I am to be their mom.  And of course this blog post is HUGE!  I'm pretty sure I can get away with it this time.
(their beautiful dress were designed and hand crafted by the amazing Brandi of Flitter N Fluff)